Grange Close, Bunbury (Google)

Nine new homes are proposed for an ‘unremarkable’ greenfield site in Bunbury, writes Belinda Ryan.

Applicants Mr and Mrs McCormack have applied for “permission in principle” (PIP) to build the homes, which would include three affordable, on land off Grange Close.

The first stage in the PIP process is to establish whether the site is suitable in principle.

A planning statement, submitted by Planning Angel on behalf of the applicants, states: “The site is a privately owned paddock which is bound on three sides by existing residential development.

“Access to the land is via Grange Close from within the settlement boundary.

“Access is also possible via the affordable housing to the north, off Wyche Lane, the narrow strip of land which is owned by the parish council.”

The applicants state, in the document, that the benefits of the scheme include the provision of nine homes ‘to meet the shortfall against the five-year supply of housing’.

They say there is a pressing need for affordable homes in Bunbury and this scheme would provide three.

The document also states there are economic benefits from construction and the support from new residents from existing village services and facilities.

Regarding harm arising from the development, the planning document states: “The development of a privately-owned, unremarkable greenfield which is enclosed on three sides by development and, and which, in all practical terms, lies within the village.”

It concludes: “The site is very well contained, and the proposals cause no land use planning harm.”

The application, number 25/0366/PIP, can be viewed on the planning portal on Cheshire East Council’s website.

The closing date for comments is March 5, 2025.

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