barrie cook - hillside vet from Nantwich

Family and friends have paid tribute to the popular Nantwich veterinary surgeon Barrie Cook, who has died.

Barrie worked as a vet for almost 60 years and was based at Medivet Nantwich, Hillside Veterinary Centre.

He was still working there aged 81 when he passed away.

Friends and family gathered in Nantwich to say goodbye to Barrie and celebrate his life.

His daughter Jane said: “His love of animals was clear but his job satisfaction also came from the interaction he had with the pet owners he helped and supported over the years.

“Many of them became firm friends. The words spoken by those who attended were a testament to the man he was. ‘He was so kind’ ‘Such a gentleman’ ‘A wonderful vet’ ‘Barrie was very reassuring’ ‘I miss him and his cheerful smile’.

“He was such a special man. Over the last few months I’ve heard so many wonderful things about him from his clients.

“They miss him, as we do. Always about him being such a gentleman and his cheerful smile and kindness.”

A memorial service collection went to a local animal charity Pawprints to Freedom, which Barrie supported.

Beth Attwood, OSH Kennel Manager from Pawprints to Freedom, said: “Pawprints to Freedom operate primarily in Romania, rescuing dogs from horrific situations, before rehoming them in the UK.

“We are a team of volunteers working tirelessly to prevent suffering and help dogs in awful circumstances.

“We are so lucky to also have kennels based in Nantwich to support our rescue dogs once they arrive in the UK.

“Barrie was such a kind and caring person. He always treated every dog we took with complete compassion and with no bias to where they came from.

“The collection will go to our ongoing veterinary costs and support for the dogs in our UK kennels.”

(Pic: L-R – Beveley Reade, Head Veterinary Nurse, Medivet; Beth Attwood, Pawprints; Otis (rescue dog from Romania) and Jane Hoeflich, Barrie’s daughter)

Barrie Cook collection - hillside vet


  1. My sincere condolences to his friends and family. Barrie looked after my dogs for over 25 years and was always kind, knowledgeable and easy to deal with.

  2. Ian Hughes says:

    Barrie looked after both of my cats in years gone by. He was a truly charming gentleman who passion for the welfare of your pet’s was beyond expectation. He displayed genuine empathy . A very sad loss.
    Thank you Barrie for all you did for Polo and Tara my cats.
    My deepest condolences to the Family. This is very sad news.

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