Leighton Hospital

Leighton Hospital chiefs are launching a large-scale “public engagement” programme starting in Nantwich later this week.

Called the “Big Conversation”, it’s aimed at gathering insights from staff, patients, and the community to shape the future of healthcare.

And the first event of the series takes place this Friday March 28 in Nantwich Civic Hall, from 9.30am to 12.30pm.

There will be other events in Crewe, Northwich and the hospital itself up until May.

Ian Moston, Chief Executive Officer emphasised the importance of participation.

He said: “The Big Conversation is about listening to our people—staff, patients, and local residents —ensuring our plans respond to the needs of our population, the NHS and our health and care system.

“Your voice will directly influence our plans now and for our Healthier Futures. Please come along and make your voice heard.”

There will be focused discussions covering models of care, sustainability, and the new hospital project.

There will also be interactive sessions including ‘world café’ style discussions, marketplace displays, and a feedback wall to ensure all voices are heard.

And there will be pop-up engagement sessions to be held across community locations over the coming months.

To learn more, including dates for the forums, visit www.mcht.nhs.uk/BigConversation

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