Dear Editor,
#CreweFirst is campaigning to have ALL the potholes to have speedy, long lasting repairs.
In 22/23, 23% LESS potholes were repaired in Crewe compared to the previous year.
And this is despite the number of potholes reported in Crewe nearly TREBLING since 2014/15.
And this deplorable lack of action by the Labour run Cheshire East wasn’t because of any reduction in Government funding.
Last year Cheshire East received £5.8m from the Government to repair potholes.
In 2015/16 there was zero Government funding to repair potholes.
Potholes have nearly trebled since 2014/15 …….but 23% LESS are being repaired.
And that is despite huge increases in the Government funding for pothole repairs.
Up from zero in 2015/16 to £5.8milliin last year.
What is that money being spent on if not on repairing potholes? We need to be told the answer to that? Where is the money going?
It certainly isn’t being spent in Crewe. Parts of Crewe resembles a Third World country.
Crewe residents pay their taxes and get little back in return.
#CreweFirst is campaigning to get lasting repairs done to ALL the potholes in the town.
Crewe’s Labour Councillors have badly let down the people they purport to represent.
Your faithfully,
Cllr Brian Silvester
Leader #CreweFirst
I recall that during lockdowns the Government gave additional funding to CEC and other LA’s to repair road defects as it would be a good time in view of the much reduced traffic flow.
What happened in CEC? What did they do with the extra allocation?