Dear Editor,
September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and as part of raising awareness about the UK’s most common type of blood cancer, Lymphoma Action has launched a new animation about the symptoms of lymphoma.
Titled Lymphoma Symptoms, the animation talks about some of the common symptoms of the condition, including swollen lymph nodes; drenching night sweats; unexplained weight lost; itching without a rash; feeling extremely tired/ fatigued for no obvious reason; unexplained fever and getting more infections than normal.
Whilst having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have lymphoma, our hope as a charity is that our animation raises awareness about some of the more common symptoms of the condition so that people feel encouraged to contact their GP practice if they have any concerns about their health, or have symptoms that are persistent or get worse over time.
Readers can find our new animation at
We also have translated versions of our animation, available in Polish, Punjabi and Romanian at
Lymphoma Action is the only charity in the UK dedicated to supporting people affected by lymphoma.
Throughout Blood Cancer Awareness Month, we are running our Let’s talk lymphoma awareness campaign to shine a light on the UK’s fifth most common cancer.
Readers are invited to join the conversation throughout the month to raise awareness about lymphoma and help even more people affected by the condition. Further details can be found by visiting our Blood Cancer Awareness month page at:
Yours sincerely
Lymphoma Action
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