Labour's new Crewe and Nantwich MP Connor Naismith with his wife, Laura (1)

New Crewe & Nantwich Labour MP Connor Naismith says he intends to bring “hope” to his constituents after winning back the seat.

Mr Naismith polled 20,837 votes pushing Conservative candidate Ben Fletcher into second place with 11,110. Reform were hot on the heels of the Tories polling 9,602.

In his speech immediately after the declaration, Mr Naismith thanked his wife, Laura, his friends and those who had campaigned for him.

He said it is an immense privilege to have been elected to represent his home, Crewe and Nantwich, in parliament.

“Most of all, I would like to thank the voters of Crewe and Nantwich for placing their trust in me to be their voice in parliament,” said Mr Naismith.

“And I am humbled by the many of you who told me that you would lend your vote to Labour, some for the first time ever, and I take that responsibility immensely seriously and I will work tirelessly to ensure that I do not let you down and that I deliver for you.”

He said voters had “decisively and conclusively decided to turn the page on 14 years of [Conservative] chaos, decline and failure to deliver on promises made and they have elected a Labour Party which is focused on the priorities of ordinary families in Crewe and Nantwich and up and down this country – economic security, cheaper bills, safer streets, getting our NHS back on its feet, secure borders and better opportunities for our children”.

The new MP added: “It is now incumbent on my colleagues and I to give back to people that which 14 years of Conservative government has stolen from them – hope.

“Hope that politics can be a force for change for the better, hope that you can trust your politicians to do as they say and put our communities first and party second, and hope that we can live in a society where fairness and dignity exists from the cradle to the grave.

“That is the task that is ahead for me and my colleagues in parliament, and I relish the opportunity to get to work.”

Mr Naismith, who represents Crewe West on Cheshire East Council, says he intends to resign from the council.

He said although he would obviously be spending time in parliament, “I think it’s really important to make it clear, I’m rooted here and this place is important to me.

“I really want to get to grips with the issues locally as much as I possibly can, as well as fulfilling my commitments in parliament.”

Conservative candidate Ben Fletcher said the result had come as no surprise to him.

He was selected as Conservative candidate after former MP Kieran Mullan jumped ship – according to many Tories in the hope of finding a safer seat.

Mr Fletcher said: “The first thing it’s really important to say is I warmly congratulate Connor Naismith on his election as the Member of Parliament, and I wish him every possible success over the next four or five years.

“With the polling as it had been for as long as it had been, it’s not a surprise that he’s won in this seat, particularly given that the boundary changes meant that the majority was, on paper, less than it had been in the 2019 election – so no, not a surprise.”

Results: Te Ata Browne (Green) 2,151; Ben Fletcher (Con) 11,110; Phil Lane (Workers Party) 373; Connor Naismith (Lab) 20,837; Brian Silvester (Putting Crewe/Nantwich First) 588; Matthew Theobald (Lib Dem) 2,286; Lord Psychobilly Tractor (Monster Raving Loony Party) 250; Matt Wood (Reform UK) 9,602.

(Story by Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter)


  1. @Dabber no 1

    All those golden greats eh?….Thatcher, Jellicoe, Lambton, Mellor…

  2. Alas we are doomed.

  3. In an unprecedented development, the UK Government has managed a full 24 hours without a single one making a racist comment, caught openly lying, being busted for a sexual offence or a financial fraud, or channeling cash to their family.

  4. More optimism… Angela hasn’t been in the post 1 day and already has been written off.

  5. Clearly B Langton you are one of those people who knows everything. I bow down to your superior intellect. Right then back to the Ennerdale omnibus…

  6. B. Langton says:

    clearly Pips you have never had an active role in the community to even bother yourself in looking out for issues that could affect others safety!! go back to watching soaps why don’t you

  7. At least he recognises many people “lent” their vote to him . Hopefully he finds out what that means come the next election and we get someone decent in!

  8. Dabber no 1 says:

    Groan, they only got in because the last lot were run by under 40 yr old darlings with no real life experience and all had to go to stop us being driven bonkers by bad idea after bad idea, none of them are any use, look at the old greats we had years ago

  9. Nothing like a bit of optimism from B Langton

  10. Bovver Boots Angela Rayner is now officially ‘Deputy Prime Minister’ of Great Britain!….. Let that sink in for a moment Folks and marvel at the tragic demise our once great Country? 😱

  11. B. Langton says:

    well given they have been asked several times over the last year, to attend to local safety issues, yet fail to respond in a single email, I don’t hold out any hope they will do any better at all!

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