trapped baby gull rescued

RSPA baby gull is recovering at the RSPCA wildlife centre in Nantwich after becoming trapped in a narrow gap between two roofs at a business in Crewe.

The bird was in difficulty after falling into an area which could not be easily accessed at a retail unit on Weston Road.

An adult bird and two other chicks were seen on the roof above, where it’s thought the parents had made a nest.

RSPCA Inspector Caren Goodman-James attended after a member of the public contacted the animal welfare charity, as it was clear from the chick’s location that specialist teams would be needed.

The RSPCA then enlisted the support of Cheshire Fire Service.

A crew from Winsford Fire Station arrived and reached the bird using an extension ladder.

Although there were no obvious injuries, the gull – who is thought to be around two to four months old – was taken to the RSPCA’s Stapeley Grange Wildlife Centre in Nantwich for ongoing care and will be released back in the local area in due course.”

Inspector Goodman-James said: “There was about an eight foot drop into a very narrow gap between two roofs and there wasn’t enough room for the chick to be able to run and take off.

“We were told the bird had been there for about four or five days and food was being dropped in via the top of an adjacent window.

“But there was no escape route and the gull would have eventually perished.

“We’re always extremely grateful for the support of the fire brigade with incidents like this, and to people who report concerns about animal welfare to us.

“We can achieve good things when we work together and I’m pleased we’ll soon be able to re-release this little chick back into the wild.”

If members of the public find a small, sick or injured animal, and if it is safe to do so, they are advised to take them directly to a vet or wildlife rehabilitator.

In cases like this, due to the bird’s location, potential health and safety issues and the need for specialist equipment, the RSPCA and fire service were able to help.

baby gull trapped on roof in Crewe
baby gull trapped between Crewe buildings

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