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Once the excitement of moving into your new house dies down, the overwhelming looming cloud of actually moving in sinks in.

All the boxes, all of the unpacking – it’s overwhelming.

And even then, if there are some changes you need to make to your home, it won’t feel like home even with all the boxes unpacked.

Below, we’ll talk you through everything you can do to make a new home your own.

Add More Personalisation
This might sound obvious, but even if everything around you feels like a mess, start with personalisation.

Photographs or artwork are enough to bring your flare and personality into the home in an otherwise bare room.

Don’t just slap any canvas on the wall; put up some pictures that mean something to you or pictures matching your decor.

Realistically, it’s up to you and how you want to personalise your home. We promise this simplicity will simply add more emotion to the space.

Cosy Up with Created Nooks
There should always be that part of a house or an apartment that is a relaxation hub.

Bringing soft, cosy corners into your home is one of the simplest ways to achieve it.

You can buy pillows, a bean bag or reading nook chair, and other feather-loving materials into the nook to make it a space you never want to leave.

These items boost the colour and texture of a space while making it more comfortable to be in.

Other than decor, lighting is essential when making a space feel more homely.

Instead of bright bulbs in the ceiling, it is nice to have dimmed light coming from lamps, especially if we’re talking about a cosy corner in your home.

Make Practical, Yet Stylish Changes
Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter the most.

Replacing door knobs, small internal doors, or light fixtures will create a different atmosphere and even customise the place.

Or you can look at updating hardware, like the cabinet handles and faucets, without creating a mess of major changes. They’re all relatively inexpensive but impactful changes to make.

Choose a style, whether modern, traditional, or country, that’s appealing to you. The main aim is to introduce practical and stylish changes.

The last thing you want to do instantly after moving into a home is massive changes, especially if most of the budget goes into buying the house and you don’t have money for major renovations.

Everyone Loves Indoor Plants
How could we do an article about making a house a home without talking about buying indoor plants?

It quickly became a trend years ago, and we don’t think it’ll ever leave.

There’s just something about indoor plants that breathes life into a home.

Well, that’s probably because they literally are. Houseplants help naturally purify the air in a house and brighten the home.

Opt for plants that would suit you regardless of whether you have the skills to grow plants yourself.

We will say that the biggest mistake homeowners make is buying plants and letting them die a few weeks later.

You don’t have to consider yourself a plant lover to appreciate the benefits of introducing greenery in your home.

And if you’re opting for the neutral colour palette, indoor plants are the perfect way of adding colour without doing anything too drastic.

These are only the basics of what you can do to make your house feel more homely.

But we would say that, for the first few months, it might not feel as homely as you’d like it to.

Until you’re fully moved in and have everything how you want it, the house might feel more chaotic than homely.

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