Egerton strings concert St Mary's Church Queen and ABBA

Egerton Strings are back to perform another St Mary’s Nantwich candlelight concert.

They’ll be performing this Saturday March 22, called “Broadway in Concert”.

It will feature well-known songs from broadway musicals, such as West Side Story, Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music – plenty of fantastic music from old and new musicals that anyone will enjoy.

James Warburton, of Egerton Strings, said: “It’s our final concert at St Mary’s – the candles don’t look the same in the brighter summer nights!

“We’ve held very successful concerts almost monthly from October to March, and we hope to be back next year with even more great music.

“The concert is a collaborative effort between St Mary’s Church and my group, Egerton Strings.”

Egerton Strings is a group which provides professional string musicians for weddings, events and concerts across Manchester, Cheshire and North Wales.

Doors for the March 22 concert open at 6:45pm with the concert from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with an interval.

Tickets are £25 from or in person from the St Mary’s office.

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