A parish council in Nantwich has made an appeal to find new councillors to serve the area.

Stapeley & District Parish Council wants people in the Stapeley and Batherton areas to become more involved in the community by serving as councillors.

There are vacancies for three new councillors. Anyone interested must be over 18 years of age and a registered elector.

Parish Council chairman Sandy Gwinn-Freemantle said: “I have been a parish councillor for several years and find it very rewarding.

“It is a way to give back to a community and also for local people to play their part in protecting what is dear to the hearts of those who live in the parish.

“We do have a say in what happens to our parish and, more and more, we are finding that our views are listened to. Even if you have never been involved in politics at any level before, don’t let that put you off.”

For more details contact the Clerk Carol Jones on 01270 812065, or e-mail via http://www.stapeleyparishcouncil.gov.uk/ or go to the next meeting on October 6.

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