Post Tagged with: "artist"

African figures to fetch £20,000 at Nantwich auction

African figures to fetch £20,000 at Nantwich auction

A prized collection of antique African carved figures could fetch £20,000 at auction in Nantwich this week. Leading Manchester artist Geoffrey Key is selling a host of tribal “Yoruba” art at the Peter Wilson sale because of a house move.

July 8, 2012
Canal artist stops off in Nantwich during “Year of the Boat” journey

Canal artist stops off in Nantwich during “Year of the Boat” journey

An artist travelling the UK’s canals has been in Nantwich for the latest stage of his “Year of the Boat” project. Rob Pointon, 29, gave shoppers a glimpse of his work when he painted in the heart of Nantwich town centre.

June 14, 2012