Post Tagged with: "Malbank School"

Malbank pupils in Nantwich enjoy BBC School Report day

Malbank pupils in Nantwich enjoy BBC School Report day

Malbank School students enjoyed the taste of life as a news reporter as part of a BBC national initiative. The Nantwich pupils were joined by RedShift Radio’s Liz Southall for the BBC School Report day which involved 30 students from Year 8.

March 19, 2012
REVIEW: Shavington Panto’s Little Red Riding Hood

REVIEW: Shavington Panto’s Little Red Riding Hood

Shavington Village Festival Committee chose Valentine’s Day to launch their 34th pantomime Little Red Riding Hood at Shavington High School, writes Sarah Egerton. Penned by Norman Robbins, the five-day performance saw wolf Lupus Rex return to pursue Little Red Riding Hood, thankfully protected by a Fairy who has warned off the evil wolf.

February 20, 2012
Nantwich Olympic 2012 hopeful teams up with college trainer

Nantwich Olympic 2012 hopeful teams up with college trainer

A talented swimmer from Nantwich hoping to qualify for the London 2012 Olympics, has linked up with a college Fitness Academy to boost her performance. Charlotte Bradbury is hoping to compete in the 200m breaststroke event in London if she secures a place at final trials this month.

February 13, 2012
Redshift Radio to host latest Hub event for Nantwich firms

Redshift Radio to host latest Hub event for Nantwich firms

A business and community event for firms across Nantwich and Crewe is being held this month. The RedShift Radio Hub is designed to encourage businesses, schools, charities and community groups to network in a relaxed environment.

January 10, 2012
Richmond Village Nantwich to stage Christmas Fayre

Richmond Village Nantwich to stage Christmas Fayre

A Christmas Fayre is being held at Richmond Village Nantwich later this month. The event, on Saturday November 26, will include more than 20 stalls displaying crafts and gifts together with a visit from Father Christmas, courtesy of The Rotary Club of Nantwich.

November 14, 2011