Post Tagged with: "town centre"

Nantwich town councillors consider free parking after 3pm plan

Nantwich town councillors consider free parking after 3pm plan

Nantwich town councillors may lobby for free parking in the town centre after 3pm to help boost local businesses. The proposal comes after many traders in areas such as Beam Street predicted a gloomy future for the town’s economy.

June 11, 2013
Nantwich Litter Group fill 30 bags in town centre clean up

Nantwich Litter Group fill 30 bags in town centre clean up

Volunteers with Nantwich Litter Group swept the town’s streets clean and collected 3o bags of rubbish. The group’s latest Litter Pick was also held to raise awareness of their activities among shoppers, retailers and residents.

March 4, 2013