Cheshire East Council has vowed to join in an ‘impact day’ to crackdown on dog fouling on a Nantwich estate.
The January 27 event takes place on the Cronkinson development in Stapeley after parish councillors highlighted the problem of dog mess on streets, footpaths and green play areas.
Parish councillors and volunteers will be doing “dog-stencilling” on the day, spraying dog mess a bright orange in the worst affected areas to illustrate how bad the problem is.
Now Cheshire East councillors, community wardens and street cleansing officials will be joining in the day.
A council spokesman said: “They will be attending to look at signage in the area as well as the use of the dog fouling stencil.”
The council says is has received just two official complaints from residents about dog fouling on the Cronkinson Estate, made back in November 2011.
This resulted in 11 extra patrols of the area.
“We do have a limited amount of sticky dog fouling warnings to wrap around lamp posts if we are made aware of a problem in a certain area,” the spokesman added.
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