“Are we better off than the Tudors?” is the second in a series of four themed talks at Nantwich Museum.
The series forms part of the “Nantwich under the two Elizabeths” exhibition at the Pillory Street venue.
The latest talk by Alan Rawlings, from Little Moreton Hall, is based on research on the price of bread in the Tudor period.
Causes of variation in the price of cereals are examined recognising the impact of population size, the move of people to urban areas, the impact of weather on harvests and the emergence of inflation in the economy.
The talk takes place at the museum tomorrow (Wednesday July 11) at 3pm.
Tickets are available from the museum and cost £3 per person (museum members £2).
The “Nantwich under the two Elizabeths” exhibition has been supported by a Heritage Lottery Fund grant.
It compares and contrasts life in Nantwich under the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth II, with reference to buildings, trade, food and health and clothing.
For details email [email protected], phone 01270 627104, visit www.nantwichmuseum.org.uk
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