By Claire Faulkner
Nantwich Players are entertaining audiences once again with their latest performance, “Art”.
The play, directed by Chris Ridge and written by Yasmina Reza, explores the question of modern art and its influence on popular culture and peoples lives.
A comedy with some strong language, Nantwich Players have once again produced a play which the audience will enjoy and laugh out loud at.
The three actors must be congratulated on their performances. Richard Sadler plays ‘Marc’, Simon Porter plays ‘Serge’ and Charlie Gobbett plays ‘Yvan’.
Each bring to life their characters’ moral fibre and personalities. The re-enactment of a telephone conversation which Yvan has with his mother is not to be missed.
“Art” highlights the skill of the three leads and the high production quality that the Players produce for every performance at their Love Lane theatre in Nantwich.
The performance is showing until October 20. For details visit http://www.nantwichplayers.com/
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