Horsemanship skills taught by a Nantwich college went under the spotlight in a BBC Countryfile programme today (January 20).
Presenter Adam Henson, guest of honour at Reaseheath College’s graduation last term, delivered four of his rare breed Exmoor foals to the college’s Equestrian Centre.
The foals were filmed starting their education on a programme devised by Reaseheath’s horsemanship specialist Caroline Booth.
And students will be involved in the training once the foals can be handled safely.
During the filming Caroline Booth, yard manager Kim Bailey and students Taryn Hardman, Rachel Wood and Chris Jones demonstrated the training they hope to achieve using mature horses.
Adam had a go at activities carried out by students working towards careers in horse training and management.
These included teaching a horse to walk confidently over a wooden platform and into a trailer.
The TV show will be repeated in March when Adam returns to collect the foals.
At the same time he plans to interview staff and students who are delivering lambs in readiness for Reaseheath’s lambing weekends.
Adam said: “It’s great to be back here. I was very impressed with the facilities and the expertise of staff and students on my last visit.
“I can’t think of anywhere better to leave my foals. I’ve learned a lot myself already about the correct handling and training of young horses.”
View the foals’ progress at www.facebook.com/reaseheathcollege
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