Nantwich Litter Group volunteers have called on residents to stop turning areas of the town into “grot spots”.
The group is increasing in numbers, but needs more people to tackle the growing litter problem.
They say rubbish from takeaways, crisps, sweet wrappers, cans and bottles are having a major impact on the environment.
The litter group, which has been in operation for about two years, has made a significant contribution to tidying up the town, parks and open spaces.
Growing volunteer numbers has enabled the group to tackle many more “grot spots” on an ad-hoc basis, said a spokeswoman.
“Predictably the main litter problem encountered is from food and drink packaging such as takeaways, crisps, sweets, cans and bottles.
“Litter bins are provided and emptied by Streetscape, Cheshire East Council’s street cleansing department and should be used wherever possible.
“Where no convenient bin is available then rubbish should be taken home for disposal. Litter is an unsightly, unhygienic and anti-social problem that affects everyone and is the responsibility of all.
“An appeal is made to all residents to play their part by picking up the odd item of rubbish that they may see in the street or outside their property and putting it in a nearby litter bin – every little helps.”
The next “Group Pick” is on Wednesday April 24 at 10am outside the Civic Hall.
New volunteers are always welcome and litter picking kit can be provided.
The session should last for approximately an hour followed by coffee and a chat.
Contact Team Leader Joyce Webb on 01270 626435 or email [email protected]
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