Organisers of this year’s Nantwich Jazz Blues & Music festival this Easter believe it will be the busiest – and safest – one yet.
Tens of thousands of music fans are set to descend on the town for the five-day festival over the Easter weekend April 17 to 21.
And organisers say they have ensured it will be viewed as a “safe town festival”.
Phillip Martin, landlord of The Crown Hotel and organiser of the festival, said: “We are always pleased when the festival gets positive comments and reviews.
“We always try and ensure the safety of festival goers is paramount and all venues taking part in the official festival have enough security to look after their customers safety.
“The busiest day is always the Sunday and people turn out in their thousands every year come rain or shine.”
Mr Martin said festival organisers have contributed towards additional policing over the weekend to increase security.
“The Arc Angel police logo has been printed on all the wristbands this year in order to assist in tackling alcohol related crime and to remind people to drink safely over the weekend,” he added.
“The wristband scheme this year will be strictly enforced by all licensees and door staff security taking part in the festival, the scheme was introduced in 2007 and has assisted in improving the festival year on year.”
The festival will involve dozens of performers playing live at around 18 venues across the town centre.
It ends with a family fun day in the town square and at some venues on the Easter Monday.
For ticket/wristband details, visit www.nantwichjazz.com
(pic courtesy of www.nantwichjazz.com)
I really do not believe this…I have only ever went to the Jazz Festival once 4 years ago & I would never want to experience anything like it again, I have never been so frightened in my entire life, I really now do wish I had called the police.
My partner & I both got attacked by a horrible little man, he started on me for no reason whatsoever, he was horribly drunk, I think I just looked at him, he came up to me & pushed me on my chest which sent me flying backward & landed flat on my back, I was bruised & batter & could hardly walk for days after, my partner came rushing over who then got punched in the face which split his lip. This all happened outside the Boot & Slipper, the bouncers were very good, they commented on the guy in question & stated that they have no end of trouble from him on a regular basis!!…why let him back in??…this spoilt it for me & all the horrible comments you do hear about all the fighting, why do people have to spoil it for others, its a festival I will never want to attend ever again, this was the 1st & it will also be my last no matter how safe the organizers say it will be!!
Very much looking forward to this years Nantwich Jazz Blues & Music Fest. For anyone looking for information on the 2014 festival, I’ve added a listing to Festival Archive here: http://www.festivalarchive.com/event/nantwich-jazz-blues-music-festival-2014/