A developer has submitted plans to build 250 houses on another piece of green land in Willaston, Nantwich, it emerged today.
The plan is for a 28-acre site bounded by Park Road in Willaston, the A51 Nantwich bypass between Cheerbrook and Peacock roundabouts, and the Crewe-Nantwich railway line.
Developers Stretton Ltd have been posting out leaflets (pictured) to local residents in 300 homes in the area to gauge their views on the proposals.
Residents have until October 7, and developers have said they may stage a wider public consultation exercise after that.
But councillors and residents have already objected, and say Willaston is “under siege” from developers.
Willaston and Rope Councillor Brian Silvester blamed Cheshire East Council for not having a 5-year supply of housing land.
He said: “Willaston is under siege from developers. Cheshire East Council does not have an adopted Local Plan and does not have a 5-year supply of housing land that is recognised by Government Inspectors.
“There have been three housing applications for a total of 207 houses passed in the Green Gap in Willaston in the last 10 months.
“The last one, on land off Moorfields, was passed on appeal. I pressed for that decision to be taken to judicial review and that is now to happen.
“CEC needs to get its act together speedily so this latest attack on the green gap can be refused and the refusal can be confirmed on appeal.”
Those objecting, including members of the Willaston Green Gap Action Team and parish councillors, say there are many reasons why it should be thrown out.
“It would have had a significant detrimental impact on the open countryside and the Green Gap and would take good agricultural land out of production for ever,” added Cllr Silvester.
“Also the application is unsustainable. Roads in Willaston are congested and dangerous now at peak times.
“Parking is already a nightmare for many residents, particularly in the Wistaston Road area.
“Recently some buses had to divert from the centre of the village because the congestion is so bad they cannot get through with the bus.
“To have over 500 more cars a day added to the traffic movements can only lead to further highway congestion, more parking problems, add to the accident numbers and the pollution concerns.
“The proposed development would have to come out onto Park Road because an access to the Nantwich by-pass would be too dangerous. Park Road is already a dangerous road, where vehicles regularly speed and it is used as a rat run.
“The local Primary School is already over subscribed and can’t take any more children.
“There is already a flooding problem across the village after heavy rain and this further development will add to the pressure on the capacity of the sewers.
“The nearest Secondary School and Health Centre are not within a safe walking distance.
“I strongly feel that applications like this should be refused because they are detrimental to the open countryside, destroy the green gaps between our towns, use valuable agricultural land and are unsustainable.”
We contacted London-based agents Satplan, working on behalf of Stretton Willaston Ltd, for their comments and are awaiting a reply.
It’s the greedy people who are prepared to sell the land to these developers with no regard for the impact on people’s lives.
UKIP seem to be the only party campaigning against these ridiculous planning applications, the other parties seem content to let them pass.