A village school near Nantwich has been placed in “special measures” by Ofsted amid concerns of pupil safety and behaviour.
The move, which has shocked staff and governors at Bunbury Aldersey C of E Primary, relates to safeguarding and pupil behaviour issues.
Ofsted has criticised the leadership and management of the 192-pupil school as “inadequate”.
It said some pupils questioned said they felt “unsafe”, and that supervision at break and lunch times “does not routinely pick up on incidents that occur or
spot potential hazards”.
The behaviour of pupils “requires improvement”, the report added.
“The difference between behaviour in the classroom and outside is marked. This is because adults do not routinely promote good standards of behaviour in the playground,” inspectors said.
It also said of those parents who replied to a survey, “most disagreed the school was led and managed well”.
Governors say many of the problems are being addressed since the inspection took place in February.
In a letter to parents, chair of governors Walter Done said: “Many of you will share the extreme surprise and disappointment of the governors and the senior management team that the school has been placed in “special measures” because of, at least on the first day of the inspection, inadequate safeguarding arrangements.
“We appreciate that aspects of this report will cause concerns for some parents.
“We want to reassure you that governors acknowledge their responsibilities and are working with school staff to put matters right quickly and effectively, as shown by the actions already taken.
“Your children’s safety and wellbeing, as well as their educational progress, remain our absolute priority.”
Ofsted criticised the school on a number of areas, such as safeguarding training, procedures and records.
Inspectors criticised cars being parked on the edge of the school playground, lack of risk assessment for external workers in school, lack of playground supervision, and relationships with parents, among other problems.
The overall report was graded 1, or inadequate, in stark contrast to its last report which was graded the top score 4, or outstanding.
In the report, Ofsted did praise the achievement of pupils which it rated as “good”, as was the quality of teaching and early years provision.
Mr Done added: “There is, of course, much to celebrate in the report.
“Teaching and pupil progress, and behaviour in the classroom continue to be good. Early years is again praised.”
The school has organised meetings for parents to attend and air their views on the Ofsted report.
These are 7pm, Wednesday March 18 for key stage one parents, and 7pm Thursday March 19 for key stage two.
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