Councillors are being advised to throw out plans for 170 homes on land in Willaston, Nantwich.
The bid by Richborough Estates on land north of Moorfields, is due to be considered by Cheshire East Council’s Strategic Planning Board tomorrow (November 18)
But planning officials, in a report for the board, have “recommended” it for refusal because of the impact on the Green Gap between Nantwich and Crewe.
In the report, officials say: “The council can no longer demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply it is therefore necessary to consider whether the proposal is sustainable in all other respects as part of the planning balance.
“The benefits in this case are it would provide much needed affordable housing provision and would help in the council’s delivery of 5 year housing land supply, POS provision and the proposed LEAP and economic benefits through the provision of employment during the construction phase, new homes and benefits for local businesses in the area.
“The development would have a neutral impact on education infrastructure, protected species/ecology, drainage/flood risk, trees/hedgerows, residential amenity/noise/air quality and contaminated land, landscape and highways.
“The adverse impacts of the development would be the erosion of the Green Gap between Wistaston and Nantwich, the loss of open countryside and the loss of agricultural land.
“The adverse impacts in approving this development would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits of the development. As such the application is recommended for refusal.”
Willaston Parish Council, Wistaston Parish Council, Rope Parish Cllr Brian Silvester (pictured) and scores of residents lodged objections to the plans.
They cite similar reasons, but also fear the impact on local traffic, pressure on school places and access to GP services.
An original application for 146-homes was first considered and refused in April 2014. Developers appealed claiming the council did not decide quickly enough, but this appeal was then quashed by the High Court. This plan is still under legal review.
If the latest application was rejected, but then overturned at appeal, Cheshire East planners say they would look to instigate a Section 106 agreement.
This would consist of a highways contribution of £292,000 towards the A51 corridor, a primary school education contribution of £314,542.41, and a secondary school education contribution of £359,539.18, among others.
Case officer at Cheshire east confirms Strategic Planning Board’s decision as “mindful to confirm officers recommendation to refuse permission”. I understand this in plain English as application refused. So good news for Willaston residents, so long as the council members and officers do their job as part of our democracy and continue to uphold the will of the people.