Council Tax is set to rise by 5.99% this April – a higher increase than was proposed by Cheshire East Council just three months ago.
The authority’s Cabinet approved the move yesterday, claiming it is needed to “protect frontline services”.
It had originally proposed a 4.99% rise back in November when it unveiled its pre-Budget consultation which highlighted the need to save £20 million in 2018-19.
The 5.99% rise will add almost £80 a year to the average household Council Tax bill for a Band D property, rising from £1,324.92 to £1,404.28.
It follows a 4.99% increase in 2017 and a 3.75% increase in 2016.
Council chiefs say 3% of the proposed tax rise will boost services for the vulnerable elderly.
Other proposals include spending £197 million over the next three years on maintaining and improving the borough’s crumbling road network.

Cllr Paul Bates, Cheshire East Council Cabinet member for finance and communications, blamed inflation, a drop in Government funding, and increased demand for care services for children and adults for the rise.
“In Cheshire East, the number of residents receiving care and support from adult social care is increasing 4% a year,” he said.
“And the number of children in social care placements has increased by 17%, in line with other councils.
“Adult social care services across the country experienced rising caseloads and increasing complexity of care needs, as well as rising costs from minimum wage requirements for care providers.
“However, these factors were particularly significant for Cheshire East, as the number of people aged over 65 is already above the national average – and is rising faster than average.”
Cheshire East spent almost £100m on adult social care services in 2016/17 – three times the required spending on any other service area.
“Robust action is being taken across the authority to reduce budgetary pressures and ensure balanced finances – as we have successfully done in previous years.
“And we will be lobbying the government again to ensure future financial settlements will continue to allow us to achieve this, while protecting essential frontline services.
“We are aware, however, that local areas have differing priorities and, to support this, the budget contains a proposal to set aside £2m of revenue from the New Homes Bonus over the next two years.”
Jan Willis, Cheshire East Council’s director of finance and procurement, said: “There is a fine balance between making efficiencies in services and still enabling services to meet residents’ needs.
“This council will continue to look for innovative ways to make every pound deliver the best outcome for local people.”
The budget and Council Tax rise for 2018-19 will be decided by a vote of elected members at the February 22 meeting of full council.
*Have your say. Are you happy to pay 5.99% more? Do you get value for money from Cheshire East Council?
What about the 15% INCREASED cost for
the useless Crewe Town Council. They should
hang their heads in shame, but, then if you
vote Labour you end up paying for it.
What does Cheshire East do with our money ,I can’t see any improvements infact we are going downhill not up .
I’m sure the suspended councillors are having a great time on FULL PAY & will receive a full pension ,they should pay back their wages & not get a penny in pensions ,I’m sure that would help improve cash flow for CE .
The public would be horrified how much money is given away / wasted each day but never mind we will keep paying the increases will help !
I think we should look after the councillors and pay the extra. All the cock ups, blunders and court cases their pay raises and expensives keep going up. Their doing a wonderful job. All the green fields that are now houses wont generate enough to keep the service going so squeeze a bit more out of everyone else.
You’ve built on council our land built privately and gave us nothing back typical council take
Just an excuse to put more money in their pocket, they are an absolute disgrace,
I think it’s a disgrace apart from getting bins emptied I’ve got no idea what my money is spent on? Could it be court costs for Councillors who don’t behave them selves?
Nice one
Well for starters there is education. Then there is social work. Those two account for far more of the council budget than anything else. Refuse collection accounts for something like 1% of the council budget.
No I don’t think we get value at all. The only thing we have is the refuse collection once a fortnight, even then they don’t take everything.
The roads are a complete mess, pot holes everywhere and nothing being done.
As far as the police are concerned we never see them only flying pass our front door..
So no I don’t think we get value at all.
You don’t have a clue what the council spends its money on do you? There is a lot more to the council budget than just potholes and bin collections.
Although I agree our roads and holes are something that needs to be addressed, I can’t help thinking that this sort of occurance didn’t happen 30 years ago. So are the road builders doing something different? Are they patching roads at a lower cost but with degradation occurring more often?
Stop blaming all this on an ageing population,it seems to be the reason for all areas including the NHS
The real reason is a lack of leadership and and poor management over a number of years.