A landlord has said ‘cheers!’ to South Cheshire people who have helped breathe new life into landmark Shavington pub, Cheshire Cheese.
Adam Scally is raising a glass to those who have supported the rebirth of the pub as a community hub serving a growing population in the village.
The pub’s chequered history has seen it closed on a number of occasions and under various changes of ownership and uses, including an Indian restaurant and music bar.
Now, to mark his first anniversary at the Cheese, Adam has unveiled plans for a packed spring and summer entertainment programme, as well as proposed face-lift inside.
It kicks off at Easter with a gin festival with high-end blends such as Portobello Road, Thomas Dakin and Sharish Blue, a fish and meat barbecue, hog roast and vintage milkshake bar.
St Luke’s family activity double decker red bus will visit over the Bank Holiday weekend and the Cheesy Riders – the pub’s new motorcycle club – will display their classic bikes.
Adam, 37, said: “Like post offices, I am a passionate believer in every community having a ‘true British local’ to call its own and the Cheese has managed to hang in despite mixed fortunes over the past few years.
“It’s not been easy to shake off the past and convince people I’m here to stay but regulars know I’m on a mission to turn things round.
“We now have more than 2,700 followers on Facebook and had fantastic food reviews both on there and on Trip Advisor.
“We have listened to the feedback and introduced gluten-free and vegan menu options and kept a low price point such as a homemade roasted butternut squash and roquito and pepper burger, sweet potato fries and salad £7.50, gluten free fish and chips £11.50, a three-course Sunday lunch for £14.99, any cask ale and selected larger at £3 a pint.
“The Cheese is a large, impressive building that has served the Crewe community since 1852 and while other people have failed to make it work, I know with continued support it will be here for many generations to come.”
Adam has plans to create a ‘grow-your-own’ community garden and wants to work with green groups who can give the pub back its flower power.
Summer events at The Cheese will include family fun days and a mini-food festival with ‘street’ style offerings.
Adam added: “I would love to know more about the pub’s history, its connections with the cheese industry and Crewe railway workers and Bentley motors.
“When we refurb, I would like to dedicate an area to local heritage.”
For more information on the menu options and meal deals call 01270 254494 or visit www.cheshirecheesecrewe.co.uk
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