Youngsters in Stapeley became superheroes for the day to tackle the scourge of litter near their school.
Year One pupils from Pear Tree Primary School in Nantwich spent the day in the local area picking up rubbish as part of our superhero class topic.
Now they could be entered into a national competition thanks to their litter-busting efforts.
All 29 pupils and their teachers and helpers walked around the Pear Tree estate in Stapeley on Friday (May 11).
Pear Tree headteacher Boo Edleston said: “We are working hard to teach our pupils the importance of community and see litter picking and other activities that help our local area as really important.
“It is an invaluable way to teach our children the care we should all take of our world, by seeing at first hand that litter negatively effects where we live.
“Many of the children have said they hope the estate will stay cleaner after all their hard-work – so do we!”
Year One class teacher Mrs Swallow added: “The children in Orange Class have planned their own learning this half term.
“They wanted to learn about super heroes, but also about our super world: interesting countries and what is in our oceans.
“As part of our learning, we found that sea life is being endangered by the amount of plastic finding its way into our oceans.
“The children wanted to do something to help, so on Friday we went litter picking in our community.
“Small changes affect big changes! We are thinking of ways that we can cut down on our use of plastic and recycle more.
“It’s amazing that the children who we are trying to inspire end up inspiring us.”
The school plans to enter a national competition which could scoop them a £30,000 makeover.
The ‘Plastic Pick Up’ competition is being run by the Daily Mail newspaper, where schools and community groups can upload photos capturing what is being done to help cut down on plastic waste in our environment.
More details are available at www.greatplasticpickup.org, but deadline for entries is midnight tonight (May 14).
Well done to all the children from Pear Tree School on your litter pick. You’ve done a great job and it looks like you had fun. I’m also an ‘old’ Stapeley Litter Picker and it’s really positive to see you showing an interest and getting involved.
Well done all you superheroes. I am an “old” Stapeley Litter Picker and it is great to see you children caring for your surroundings and understanding that we need to look after our wider world, including our oceans. You are the future and it is so important that you look after our beautiful planet.