Popular Shavington pub The Cheshire Cheese has been closed for refurbishment and is to be re-opened by Martin Lewis.
Previous landlord Adam Scally left the pub at the end of May, just a year after taking over.
He posted a message to customers on Facebook, citing “recent activities” on the decision to “transfer the operation” of the Cheshire Cheese to Martin.
But today Martin, who runs the Blind Beggar on Pedley Street in Crewe, told Nantwich News how he is having to spend thousands on cleaning the pub and gardens, changing beer supplies and recruiting new staff.
He said: “Adam just could not run it any more and has left. It was not working out for him.
“I have negotiated with Greene King and will be leasing it as free trade, which means I can get my own beer in and it will be cheaper and better, and we won’t run out.
“I’m also going to bring in an experienced, mature chef so the food is going to be spot on.
“I’m doing the gardens up and the play area, which were in a bad way.
“I’m cleaning the drains out, cleaning the accommodation and the kitchens.”
Martin also plans to install a large screen and hopes to re-open in time for the World Cup weekend of June 15-16.
He is now recruiting for two new bar staff and a sous-chef.
“We sign for the keys on Monday (June 11) and have a week to get it ready to open for the World Cup!” he added.
Martin has many years experience running pubs, previously in charge of the British Lion on Nantwich Road before opening the Blind Beggar, formerly The Albion.
The Cheshire Cheese dates back to 1851, but has changed hands several times over the past two or three decades and was previously an Indian restaurant.
It stood empty for almost a year before being bought by Greene King Pub Partners.

Adam was installed as licensee 12 months ago, and the venue was refurbished.
In his Facebook post, Adam said: “I would like to thank everyone who has supported me and wish you all best for the future.
“This has not been an easy decision but unfortunately I have been left with little option due to recent activities.
“I wish him (Martin) and all of you all the best for the future.”
We have contacted Greene King for a statement and are awaiting a reply.
Coconut Grove was a great Indian…….. still at Chester and well worth a visit