Town councillors in Nantwich say CCTV is effective in the town after five teenagers were caught on camera vandalising flowers and plants.
Nantwich Police officers were able to identify and trace the youths from the CCTV images catching them in the act in the town square and Pepper Street.
One boy and four girls, all aged between 14 and 16, have been spoken to with their parents after last week’s damage as revealed by Nantwich News.
Cllr David Marren, Mayor of Nantwich, has welcomed the prompt action taken by police, and warned that they would not hesitate to press for criminal charges if necessary.
He said: “The behaviour of these teenagers is clearly unacceptable.
“Nantwich is fortunate to have a group of Nantwich in Bloom volunteers who give their time and a great deal of effort to make the town attractive for residents and visitors.

“The Town Council invests a great deal of money, over £15,000, in supporting these volunteers and will not tolerate these acts of vandalism.
“Fortunately, the police were able to use CCTV to identify the culprits in this case.
“These latest incidents demonstrate that CTTV is an effective tool in identifying offenders.
“The Town Council will continue to work closely with the police and will press for criminal prosecution and compensation if necessary.
Tony Percival, chair of the Nantwich in Bloom Committee, also welcomed the Police action.
He added: “It is very encouraging to see that the police have identified the culprits involved in this latest act of vandalism so quickly.
“It has also been heartening to see the many comments on social media from local residents who have so strongly voiced their concerns about acts of this nature.
“Nantwich in Bloom works hard to make the town look attractive both for residents and visitors alike and we will not be deflected from our efforts by the sorts of vandalism witnessed over recent days.”
Nantwich Town Council supports the Nantwich in Bloom Committee with an annual donation of around £15,500 which pays for planting beds, buying hanging baskets and roadside plants, and pays for watering.

lets hope the teenagers involved are made to carry out community service to reinstate their damage and their familes to pay for it.