Plans to build 15 new homes in the green gap near Shavington have been rejected by Cheshire East Council, writes Stephen Topping.
Members of the southern planning committee unanimously rejected the scheme, which included four, three-bedroom affordable dwellings, at a meeting yesterday (August 8).
Bob Hindhaugh, representing the developer, suggested the scheme would contribute to the number of homes promised in Cheshire East Council’s Local Plan and would have “limited impact” on its surroundings.
He said: “Shavington is identified within the CEC local plan as a local service centre, and therefore is clearly acknowledged within the hierarchy as an appropriate, sustainable location for new development.
“The proposal would not cause any real harm to the erosion of the existing green gap or lead to a coalescence of settlements.”
Mr Hindhaugh added that the A500 provides a sufficient gap between Crewe and Shavington, meaning that the green gap which the development would sit on could be built over.
But Cllr Janet Clowes (Conservative) firmly disagreed with his stance.
“I do find it a bit of an oxymoron when someone tells me there is ‘no real harm to the erosion of the green gap’,” she said.
“Erosion is harm, the green gap is important, we have already seen it eroded too much, and it does serve a purpose.
“I can see why a developer would think ‘oh let’s neaten off the edges and just chip away a bit here’, but then the next developer will come along and say ‘oh we’ll just chip a little bit more of it here, a little bit there’.
“It is there for a purpose.”
The only green gap between shavingtown and Crewe is a set of traffic lights. As every available inch has been given planning permission. Bit of shutting the stable door after the horses have bolted.
Local GP can’t cope with 18,000 plus and more to come. And local schools. This should have been thought out in all the big estates being or that have been built in this soon to be town!.