Residents in South Cheshire are being asked to air views during a review of town and parish council boundaries across Cheshire East.
The survey, which went live on October 28, will inform a review being undertaken across the borough by Cheshire East Council.
The council is responsible for the governance and electoral arrangements for 186 town and parish council wards in 135 town and parish councils across the borough.
The review will include town and parish boundaries, numbers of town and parish councillors, grouping of parishes, and warding.
People are being urged to take part in a pre-consultation survey on the council’s website.
Views from the public will inform new community governance proposals for formal consultation in 2020.
Cllr Joy Bratherton, chairman of Cheshire East Council’s community governance review sub-committee, said: “As part of this review we need to hear people’s views on how effective current town and parish arrangements are at meeting local needs and any suggestions as to how this could be improved.
“The present arrangements predate the formation of Cheshire East and we are mindful that there has since been considerable change to the population, its distribution and to the borough’s settlements.
“The survey will feed into the overarching review, which offers the opportunity to ensure that the tier of parish governance is fit for purpose for the future.
“I would urge people to take part in this pre-consultation survey and share their views via the council website.”
It can be viewed here https://surveys.cheshireeast.gov.uk/s/CGRPartOne/
Paper copies of the survey can also be obtained from local libraries or Cheshire East Council’s customer service offices at Macclesfield Town Hall, The Municipal Buildings in Crewe and Westfields in Sandbach.
The survey runs until January 31, 2020.
Government guidance advises that it is good practice to hold a review of town and parish governance every 10-15 years.
The last was done before Cheshire East Council was created in 2009.
The Cheshire East community governance review does not include electoral arrangements for borough council or parliamentary seats.
For more information visit https://www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/council_and_democracy/community-governance/community-governance-reviews.aspx
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