Two Welsh Row residents in Nantwich say plans to put double yellow lines down one side of the road close Malbank School are flawed.
The scheme aims to put lines on the road between Nixon’s Row and the traffic lights at Taylor Drive (pictured).
It’s hoped it will prevent double parking problems which have plagued many residents, particularly at peak times near Malbank School and Sixth Form College.
But two spoke out at Nantwich Town Council last night (January 9) claiming it will just force motorists to park further down Welsh Row on narrower sections.
One woman said: “That is the narrowest part of Welsh Row. If vehicles end up parked on there, that’s where the bottleneck occurs.
“A proper traffic assessment is essential before any lines are put on there.”
And another resident said he had his vehicle written off when parked on the narrower section.
“I’m not on my own at having cars damaged on that section,” he added.
“It seems to me the south side of Welsh Row has all the driveways, and north side does not.
“If they are going to put double yellow lines anyway, it should be on the south side.
“People have had accidents trying to pull out of drives and not able to see because of parked vehicles.”
Cllr Arthur Moran, Town Mayor, said yellow lines were long overdue on Welsh Row and has been an issue since 2011.
He added: “An original yellow lines scheme was approved with few objections, but it was decided that the Taylor Drive link road needed to be completed and open first.
“I invited a Cheshire East highways engineer to have a look at Welsh Row when the schools were in and he said ‘you don’t need to say any more’.
“It’s been an ongoing issue down there for many years, there was a head on collision recently.”
The Traffic Regulation Order went to public consultation before Christmas and ended on January 3.
There were two objections and five comments. A decision will be made by Cheshire East on January 27.
“If it goes ahead, the scheme will be implemented as it stands,” added Cllr Moran.
“We will have to monitor it and then advise accordingly.”
(Image courtesy of Google Street View)
‘Buses find it extremely difficult, as well. Who is parking there? Is it School staff or pupils, or both? Isn’t there a very large Car Park at the back of the school? Is the parking on Welsh Row “overflow” from that Car Park? Answers, please!