Town councillors are seeking views of Nantwich residents over its plans for a £200,000 extension of the Civic Hall.
The proposals, as revealed by Nantwich News earlier this month, include extending the rear of the hall.
Nantwich Town Council has managed the Hall, originally built in 1951, since its transfer from Cheshire East Council in May 2012.
It’s a vital venue for the town with community groups, live music, entertainment and private functions for the town and surrounding area.
A council spokesperson said: “The Town Council wishes to invest in the Civic Hall to secure its long-term future as a community building serving the people of Nantwich and the surrounding area.
“The Council wishes to add to the accommodation in order that the building can be used for a wider variety of community uses and events in the future.”
The proposals are to build a single storey extension to the rear of the hall creating a large multi-purpose room, additional and improved dressing rooms, additional toilet facilities and refuse storage facilities.
The proposed extension would also accommodate any future plans for a second storey.
It says it needs to improve the “current poor appearance of the hall’s existing rear elevation and yard” (pictured, above).
The proposed extension “offers significant improvements to both the appearance and structural integrity”, it says.
A small number of parking spaces will be lost during construction but will be re-opened on completion.
It would be paid for from the council’s current Capital reserves, and not from increases in Council Tax.
The Town Council has submitted a planning application to Cheshire East for the proposed development.
Residents wishing to air their views on the proposals can have their say by either writing or emailing the Town Council at:
Nantwich Town Council, Civic Hall, Market Street, Nantwich, CW5 5D or on email to [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
How much will the extension cost?
Initial estimates are in the region £200k, but detailed costed proposals will be developed following consultation and planning permission when preparing a tender.
How much will it cost the residents of Nantwich?
The extension will be funding from existing funds (Capital Receipts) held by the Town Council. It will not have any additional cost on the local taxpayer.
What are Capital Receipts?
Capital receipts are generally funds arising from the disposal of (sale of) a capital asset (e.g. land). Councils may only use capital receipts to meet capital expenditure (e.g. building extensions).
Why don’t you spend the money on other essential services (e.g. potholes, footpaths, roads, social care)?
The services shown in the example are services provided by Cheshire East Council. Nantwich Town Council is not part of Cheshire East Council. Nantwich Town Council is the first tier of local government with its own elected town councillors, appointed staff, budgets and income and expenditure which are independent of Cheshire East.
What are the benefits of having the extension?
It will:
• Secure the future of the Civic Hall as a community building fit for purpose;
• Maximise letting income and reduce operating costs;
• Provide additional accommodation for community groups;
• Enable staging of more shows and concerts;
• Provide flexible accommodation for a variety of community needs;
• Improve the appearance to the rear of the building.
Will car park spaces be lost where the extension is built?
During the construction period for health and safety purposes a small number of car park spaces will be closed for use by the public (in consultation with Cheshire East). However, following the completion of the extension they will be re-instated with an additional one and a half bays created. The half bay suitable for motorcycles. The bays behind the extension will also be remarked by the Town Council.
Will the Civic close during the planned work?
During the build of the extension the Civic Hall will remain open and all regular bookings will continue as usual. There will be minimal disruption to the function of the hall.
Money should be spent on roads and gutters