RSPCA Stapeley Grange Cattery in Nantwich is caring for its first kitten of 2020 after five-week-old Inky was rescued by the charity.
She was rescued by an RSPCA inspector on April 6 and is now being fostered by Stapeley Grange manager Lee Stewart.
Lee said: “She is a very loving and affectionate kitten and is adapting well in foster care.
“She was too young to be away from her mum when she first arrived so I’ve been hand rearing her and feeding her round-the-clock.
“She’s a very inquisitive kitten and loves to play but she also loves fuss and is becoming a confident girl in our care, including with my other cats who she loves!

“She also comes into the cattery when I’m working which means she gets cuddles and play time with the rest of the team.
“Typically May to September is the start of kitten season when cats are most likely to give birth but even as early as April we start to see kittens being born.”
The RSPCA rescues more cats than any other animal.
At this time of year, the charity sees lots of cats and kittens as a result of the cat over-population crisis.
Stapeley Grange, on London Road, is currently caring for 29 cats and is expecting even more in the coming weeks as its rescue teams bring in more animals in need.
Although RSPCA centres have closed to the public, the charity continues to provide care to thousands of animals across England and Wales at its centres and hospitals.
Since the beginning of March, the RSPCA animal cruelty line has received more than 60,000 calls.
During the Covid-19 lockdown, the RSPCA has launched a new virtual adoption protocol that will allow members of the public to adopt cats.
For more information, check Stapeley Grange’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/rspcastapeleygrange/

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