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A police probe into two separate allegations against Cheshire East Council have been dropped, it emerged today.

One investigation was into an allegation of misconduct and fraud in relation to the awarding of a contract to a fitness company back in 2015.

The “complex investigation” followed an allegation relating to the awarding of a contract to Core Fit – a company run by Amanda Morris who at the time was (pictured above) Council Leader Michael Jones’ physiotherapist.

Cheshire Police say a file was sent to Crown Prosecution Service for consideration, but it was dropped due to insufficient evidence.

A second separate probe into the awarding of grant funding for a primary school car park has also been dropped, with no further action.

That centred on a £70,000 grant to Berkeley Academy in Wistaston, in April 2016.

A Cheshire Police spokesperson said: “Cheshire Constabulary has been conducting a complex investigation into an allegation of misconduct and fraud relating to the awarding of a contract by Cheshire East Council to a fitness company.

“A file of evidence was submitted to the Crown Prosecution Service, who considered this in some detail and advised that although there were issues in relation to procurement, there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of a conviction against any individual.

“The CPS advice concerns only the above fraud allegation.

“A further five allegations referred to police by Cheshire East Council remain under investigation.

“Meanwhile, a separate investigation into misconduct relating to grant funding for a primary school car park has also concluded, with no further action to be taken.”

Lorraine O’Donnell, chief executive of Cheshire East Council, said: “We understand that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has determined that there was insufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction, with regard to the investigation into the award of a contract related to a fitness company in 2015.

“We note that the CPS has identified issues in relation to procurement.

“The council will now review the findings and take all appropriate steps in due course.

“As recognised in the recent corporate peer challenge report, the council has made significant progress since 2015 and we will use any learning as we continue on our improvement journey.

“We also understand that the separate investigation into grant funding for a primary school car park has also concluded, with no further action to be taken.

“Cheshire East Council continues to cooperate fully with the police in other matters referred to the police for investigation.”

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