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Pupils, parents and staff in Cheshire East have been praised by education chiefs after figures showed attendance at fully open schools was more than 92%.

There were fears that many parents would continue to keep children off school amid the Coronavirus pandemic when classes restarted this week.

But levels of attendance have been significantly higher than the England average, following the long Covid lockdown.

Department for Education figures show of the 113 Cheshire East schools that submitted a data return on Thursday (September 3), 100 were fully open.

That’s an open rate of 88.5%, compared to a national average of 71.5% for that day.

Attendance at all Cheshire East schools was 79.5%, compared to a national average of 62.5%, and at fully open schools in the borough attendance was around 92.9%.

Cllr Kathryn Flavell, cabinet member for children and families, said: “I would like to thank Cheshire East’s pupils, parents, teachers and the many other staff who have made such a positive start ‘Back to School’.

“It is early days yet, but initial indications are that the preparations that our schools have made, supported by the council, have put us in the best possible position to welcome children back, to continue their essential classroom-based education.

“I firmly believe that for most children, school is the best place for them to learn.

“While tremendous efforts were made during lockdown to provide remote learning opportunities, for many this was no replacement for classroom working.

“We know that the lockdown and return to school has been a difficult and anxious time for some and we are offering a range of support to those who need help.

“We continue to work hard with our schools, colleges, early years and transport providers to make these first few days back into school as easy, safe and happy as possible for all Cheshire East pupils.”

Information and guidance for the wider opening of schools is available at
Information about school transport can be found at:

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