Queens Park Crewe 2021 Calendar - cover (1)

A fundraising 2021 calendar for Queens Park in Crewe has raised an impressive £3,600, writes Jonathan White.

The calendar was put together by members of the ‘Queens Park Crewe – The People’s Park’ Facebook group.

The group allows its members to share photos and comments about what they believe is the town’s great asset.

The calendar featured photographs submitted by group members of Queens Park throughout all the seasons of the year within the popular Grade II listed public park, which opened in 1887.

The calendar was sold at ‘Park Life Café’ located in the park. The café donated £1,200 of the grand total by contributing an extra £5 for every calendar sold in the café.

The £3,600 raised will go to ‘The Friends of Queens Park’ volunteer group to support the refurbishment of the play area in the park.

The Friends of Queens Park are a group of volunteers, who support the park by raising awareness about the park and its facilities, while promoting opportunities for involvement.

Diane Scoffin, Queens Park Crewe – The People’s Park, said: “We are totally overwhelmed by the amount raised. A huge thank you to Park Life Café for their very generous contribution.

“It shows how popular the park is even with people who no longer live in Crewe, but who still have fond memories.”

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