Nantwich Food Festival volunteers are to stage a spring “Drop-off and Go” collection event in aid of Nantwich Foodbank at Brine Leas School.
Residents can drop off donations at Brine Leas car park on Saturday March 27 between 10am-1pm.
Nantwich Food Festival volunteers will receive donations in support of friends at the Foodbank.
Permission for the event has been granted by the police.
A Food Festival spokeswoman said: “The help of our community couldn’t come at a better time, as Emily, the Foodbank warehouse manager tells us that stocks are very low, and the demand on Foodbank support is incredibly high.
“This time the list of requests for donations is much less specific than at Christmas.
“Residents from Nantwich and the surrounding area have already proven their generosity, so we hope that we can all rise to another challenge in support of those in greater need than ourselves.”
The Foodbank is unable to accept:
Fresh dairy goods, meat or fish or fruit, vegetables or any items that require refrigeration.
Half used or open packets cannot be accepted nor can anything past it’s best before/use by date; the Foodbank cannot accept any alcoholic drinks.
Anyone wanting to donate money, may do so via the Foodbank website https://nantwich.foodbank.org.uk/
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