Town councillors have questioned whether they should be paying for CCTV in Nantwich after receiving little information on outcomes and results.
The council spends more than £25,000 each year on ensuring its network of 14 CCTV cameras are monitored 24/7 from a control centre in Macclesfield.
Yet, at a town council meeting last night (July 8), it emerged that the council has not received any substantial report or data from the centre on its effectiveness.
Cllr David Marren said: “We pay £26,000 but without any feedback or report from Cheshire East about what it does?”
Town clerk Samantha Roberts said the council had only received reports of two incidents captured by CCTV, and had been given an apology for no reports received in previous 12 months.
Cllr Marren added: “We need CCTV and I would never suggest scrapping it.
“But Nantwich Town Council is paying for this, not the police or Cheshire East Council.
“We have received nothing from the CCTV team, no information has been provided.
“People feel better knowing there is CCTV, and it improves sense of wellbeing, I know that. But is it what we should be paying for?”
Cllr John Statham added: “I agree. It would be nice to know what sort of feedback and stats come out of this, and not just when they send us the bill for next year.
“For example, did it lead to a certain number of prosecutions? These figures are useful. But we’ve been left holding the baby.
“I don’t think we should stop paying for it, but perhaps we should be splitting the costs.”
Cllr Marren added: “Would they turn CCTV off if we said we don’t want to pay for it any more? Remember we do have the highest precept in Cheshire East.”
Cllr Arthur Moran said CCTV would be as important as ever once the the night life returns after Covid restrictions end on July 19.
“The Studio night club is reopening on July 20, the night economy will be flowing again in Nantwich.
“It’s vital to the safety of people in town, and to businesses who suffer damage. We ought to think twice before we complain too much.”
Councillors agreed to request more information and statistics on the CCTV system’s use, in line with a Service Level Agreement.
They will also contact police for figures on successful prosecutions, and to arrange a visit to the CCTV monitoring centre in Macclesfield.
To find out more about the CCTV network across Cheshire East, and to find locations of all of Nantwich’s CCTV cameras monitored by Cheshire East, visit here
At night after 11pm, especially at weekends and sometimes on weekdays, Nantwich feels very unsafe. There are people shouting and screaming, and the sounds of verbal and occasionally physical violence. Bins are upended, broken glass from beer bottles and glasses are on the footpaths in car park and in footpaths by St Mary’s church.
Please retain the CCTV and ensure there is a sufficient police presence to react quickly when these antisocial activities kick off
It would be interesting if information is ever provided to the Town Council it would include activity in all other parts of Cheshire East so they can compare real cost per area.