winter fuel - chief executive appointed

Dear Editor,
Labour-run Cheshire East’s Energy Company has lost a whopping £151,000.

It is bad enough that local council taxpayers have recently been forced to pay large increases in the energy costs for their home… they also now have to bail out the council run Energy Company as well!

Cheshire East are failing to deliver efficiently and effectively many of the statutory services they are legally bound to deliver.

Why they ever thought they could be an electricity supply business as well, is a mystery?

Cheshire East should concentrate on their day job… and get that right.

Not go off at a tangent and try to deliver services where they have no experience and almost always results in the poor Council Taxpayers picking up the huge losses.

Cheshire East never seems to learn.

Six years ago Cheshire East bought the Royal Arcade Shopping Centre in Crewe for a totally excessive £6m.

All the shops have now been demolished and there is a demolition site in the centre of the town.

More £millions of Council taxpayers money wasted by Cheshire East.

Yours faithfully,

Cllr Brian Silvester
Putting Crewe First

One Comment

  1. Derek Whittey says:

    Let’s hope their plan to become carbon neutral in their operations by 2025 works out.

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