Parents across Cheshire East found out today if they had secured places for their child at a preferred primary school.
And Cheshire East Council say more than 98% have received their preferred school.
There were 4,236 applications across the borough’s 120 primary schools for children due to start in September 2022.
The number of applications this year rose by around 5% (4,033 applications were received in 2021).
Despite this, 72 more families were offered a first preference school and 83 more families offered a preference school.
Cllr Kathryn Flavell, lead member for children and families at Cheshire East Council, said: “We have a great track record with school admissions as we continually review and increase places to maximise the number of parents being offered one of their preferences.
“We know that many think Cheshire East is a great place to learn with 92% of our primary schools rated good or outstanding by Ofsted.
“We work closely with housing developers to create additional places where they are needed and get financial contributions from them to support new schools or school expansions.
“Providing additional places also helps more children attend a local school reducing the need to travel and promoting a healthy lifestyle by walking or cycling.
“I’d like to thank our admissions team and our primary schools for their continued hard work and commitment to ensuring all children have an enjoyable education that supports them to achieve to their full potential.
“I hope that every child is happy in their new school, enjoys learning as well as the many new and exciting opportunities that schools in Cheshire East provide.”
For those parents who have not received a place at their first preference school, they have the right to submit an appeal and/or go on the waiting list for another school(s).
Parents are advised to accept an offer even if they would prefer a different school, until they have confirmed alternative arrangements for their child’s education.
More information and advice available at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schooladmissions or on the website of the preferred school.
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