Nantwich Players Studio presents Things I Know to Be True this weekend, writes Claire Faulkner.
Written by Andrew Lovell, this is a play about family relationships, love, secrets and hope.
It’s a beautifully written play, and the Studio Team have worked hard to make a wonderful production full of movement, emotion and drama.
An intricate study of a normal family and how love can be comforting, supportive and sometimes suffocating and destructive.
I loved how this production was put together. The studio set is limited, but movement is used effectively which compliments the setting and doesn’t distract from the story.
The cast were great. Each one gave a wonderful performance.
Holly Jones was fabulous as Rosie, as was Anastasia Newton who played Pip. Linda Sunners gave a wonderful performance as Fran and Nigel Vernon played protective Dad, Bob.
Mark was played by Luke Murphy and Jonathan Everitt was Ben.
I enjoyed watching this play. At times it was both funny and heart breaking, and as each character revealed their secret it kept me guessing as to where everyone and their relationships would end up.
Things I Know to be True is at The Nantwich Players Theatre until Sunday 22nd May.
For more details on this and other productions, visit www.nantwichplayers.com
The acting in this Play was exceptional. Rosie, was the Star performer in this. A Play that kept your interest throughout . Brilliant.