Elected members of Cheshire East Council will have more cash to spend on highways projects in their local wards next year.
Ward member budgets, introduced in 2021, will increase by 50% from £4,200 to £6,500.
The change aims to give elected members more chance to prioritise local highway investment and call upon their own budgets to help finance them.
The change will come into effect from April 2023 and will operate for four years.
The improved scheme is designed to encourage town and parish councils to work with local ward members by allowing to match-fund projects when there is widespread community support.
Money could be spent on extra street lighting, footway and highways patching, road signage, vegetation clearance, drainage works and road markings.
Cllr Craig Browne, council deputy leader and chair of the council’s highways and transport committee, said: “I am confident this improved scheme, with an increased budget, will help to give elected ward members a greater say in the delivery of local highways and transport priorities.
“The enhanced ward member budget scheme will help deliver locally important highways schemes and I am certain that residents will see a significant benefit over the next four years.”
When this was first mentioned earlier this year, I asked what it was being spent on. I was told that the information was not recorded. The £4200 if all used up in 2021/22 would cost £344k, this increase mean a possible expenditure of £533k for 2023/24. It is hoped that CEC will keep records and that they publish what it is spent on, so people are aware of what their elected representatives are doing.
I think the proposal is a good idea.