Dear Editor,
More than 6,800 people in the UK are spending the festive season/start of 2023 waiting for an organ transplant – and over 220 of these patients are children.
These mums, dads, wives, husbands, partners, daughters, sons can only be saved by someone giving them the greatest gift, the gift of life.
At a time of giving/resolutions to do good, let people know you want to save lives.
Signing up to be an organ donor is quick and easy and makes it easier for families if they know what you want.
Give hope to the thousands of people and hundreds of children on the transplant waiting list.
Join the NHS Organ Donor Register at www.organdonation.nhs.uk
Please tell your family about your decision so that they know what you want.
Yours sincerely
Anthony Clarkson
Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
NHS Blood and Transplant
I would like to encourage all parents considering the purchase of bikes for their children for Christmas to ensure that lights are fitted before they go out on the bikes at night. Alternative,y, if you “can’t be bothered” or you’re the parents of children who wear dark clothing and ride their bikes without lights, insist that they carry Donor cards.
I am a live donor and would like to add that anyone can apply to donate a kidney while they are alive too! I am one of many people who live successfully with just one.