Census - aerial view of Nantwich town centre during lockdown

Nantwich is being given a £750,000 pot of money to spend on improving the “public realm” in the town, councillors were told.

The money comes from the Section 106 agreements between developers and the council for the Kingsley Fields housing developments.

Jo Wise, Cheshire East Council development and regeneration manager, told Nantwich Town councillors that the money has now arrived in CEC coffers and is ready to spend.

She outlined the conditions on spending and urged town councillors to consider priorities for the cash.

“The money is to be used towards improvement to the public realm and town centre facilities and for no other purpose,” said Ms Wise.

“This is the very first step and we want Nantwich town councillors to be involved from the outset as the money is for you.”

However, she warned against using it for ‘hard surface’ improvements which she said were costly.

“The recent re-paving footway scheme along Beam Street and Swine Market cost £800,000,” she added.

“This sort of work can be very very expensive!

“So first thing is to discuss what are the local priorities in the town for improvements. Any work would have to stay within the wording of the legal agreement.”

Ms Wise cited one example in Macclesfield where they re-purposed three parking spaces into attractive seating areas in the town, at a cost of £5,000.

“There are things that can be done if you think imaginatively,” she added.

Town councillors said they were already discussing ideas with Nantwich Civic Society and Nantwich Partnership.

Cllr Arthur Moran said: “We’ve had a walk around with Jeff Stubbs of Civic Society to look at work that could be done at a low cost which would make a positive impact.”

Town Council clerk Sam Roberts said the council’s “Town Plan” could also be considered. The plan is due to be reviewed and updated after May’s local elections.


  1. Pushing a wheelchair round Nantwich is a nightmare.
    Maybe accessibility could be considered.

  2. The beach area by the river needs tidying up, a few more benches etc.

  3. The Swine Market area, towards Beam Street, is shabby, at best, a blight on the rest of the town centre area, and in need of investment (or a bulldozer).

  4. Can this be used for the refurbishment of the snowhill toilets?

  5. plant more trees, put in more cycle lanes, dropped kerbs and pedestrian crossings. Benches don’t have to be the trad seat but post and top design and there should be far more seating in the park walks given the aging population generally
    get cars parking on beam street moved off double lines and create a red line zone around the Albion to stop the sluggish drive through to the lights on the bridge, as cars waiting for green are becoming a hazard blocking off access to the high street for pedestrians trying to cross

  6. Will the residents of Nantwich have any input?

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