The headteacher of Brine Leas School in Nantwich says he had to close the school today as not enough staff were able to make it in.
Early morning snow across South Cheshire has caused traffic problems in the area with many roads gridlocked.
David Cole, head at Brine Leas on Audlem Road, tweeted out the closure at around 8am this morning.
However, some angry parents have criticised the decision, as some pupils had already set off or were outside waiting for school transport to arrive.
Mr Cole said at 10.20am today: “The decision to close a school is never taken lightly and on this occasion was due to lack of staff to ensure safe supervision of the children and running of the school.
“Every school is different, and our colleagues travel from far afield; insufficient numbers of staff were able to make the journey.
“Several colleagues started the journey and are currently still on the road.
“With this in mind, we intend for the majority of timetabled class work to be on Teams from lesson 2 onwards.
“We are aiming to continue with Year 7 parents’ evening tonight. There may be some availability issues if staff laptops are in school. We will follow these up as soon as we can.”
Malbank School and Sixth Form College was open as normal, however Shavington Academy also had to close today.
A Shavington Academy statement read: “The weather conditions and continued snowfall this morning have combined to make the site and surrounding roads unsafe.
“Pupils’ learning will be on their Teams channels, learning accessed remotely.”
Seems there should have been plans in place given…… shock spoiler …..snow arrives most years.
However I would like to point out not all kids were doing their studies at all, many were wandering in town in groups aimlessly doing nothing
In my day we were pre instructed before any snow arrived to write a 500 word essay on the benefits of snowy related days to be handed in on return to school or risk detention.
Seems any pre organisation to school closures has become as casual a notion as the dozens of kids seen wasting time mooching around town
^^Absolutely comical. I guarantee these would be the same people suing the school for opening while being short staffed when their kids get injured.
I’m sure numerous staff did make the journey to get to work only to be told that they would have to go home, as most school teachers are at work by 8am. Very frustrating for them as well as the pupils I imagine. If you live in the countryside as I do you have probably had a very difficult journey to work over the last few days as many country roads have not been gritted due to constant lack of money for local services over many years. Not worth people crashing and being injured or without transport for weeks for the sake of one day, which would of course mean the school would be under staffed for longer. Totally understand the frustration of parents who have to find child care (at cost) or potentially miss out on pay due to having to stay at home. But getting on your high horse about it and bemoaning the people that educate and look after the nations children doesn’t help whatsoever, probably why lots of schools rely on supply staff and why teachers are leaving in record numbers.
Total disgrace, no backbone some people. In life people prioritize what they want to do and on this occasion the staff chose to stay at home. What if the country was run like that, oh it’s snowing let’s stay at home never mind the economy. The Head is a disgrace to allow it to happen on his watch then support the staff who have chosen not to work. If these people want to strike for more money they have no chance with loyalty like that, today may as well have been a strike day.