Motorists in Nantwich town centre will face more delays as a three-week scheme to re-surface Beam Street begins on February 20.
The works are a follow up to the Footway Improvement Scheme which Cheshire East Council completed at a cost of almost £800,000 in late 2022.
Between February 20 and March 12, sections of Beam Street between Waterlode and Barony Road will be closed off to allow for full re-surfacing works.
The first part will take place between February 20-25 during school half-term. The road will be closed between Waterlode and Market Street between 9.30am and 5pm.
Phase two will see an overnight closure from Manor Road and Kings Place February 25-27 between 7pm and 6am, and a similar overnight closure between Market Street and Kings Place on February 28 from 7pm to 6am.
Then there will be a closure in place from Lady Helen Walk to Volunteer Fields between 7pm and 6am March 1-2.
Phase 5 sees a week-long closure between March 3-7 from 9.30am to 5pm from Cromwell Close (M&S store) to Barony Road. Access to St Lawrence Court via The Crescent will be available.
And final phase will be between Dog Lane and Volunteer Fields on March 12, with a closure in place between 4.30pm and 4am.
Cheshire East Highways said: “We understand there is no right time to undertake work but, the scheme has been carefully planned to minimise disruption to local residents, businesses and members of the travelling public.
“Businesses will remain open during the works and access will be facilitated where possible by diversion routes.”
Cllr Arthur Moran, of Nantwich Town Council, met with highways bosses earlier this week to discuss the plans.
He said: “Work will be carried out in sections and will be completed including line work and then move on to the next section. Work will take place in a section in the day time, some night time and some weekends, footpaths will be open at all times for pedestrians.
“All business and households will receive a letter explaining with dates when work is due to commence on their section.
“On February 20th they will commence at Waterlode, a lane will be taken out at this junction because some repair to Waterlode junction is required.
“Bus companies have been informed of the works and alternative routes arranged.
“On the walk through I did mention problems with the new footpath marking and chewing gum.
“The footpath is going to be jet washed and sealed.”
The Footway Improvement Works in 2022 took 18 weeks to complete and saw the closure of Beam Street between Manor Road and Waterlode throughout the project.
Might as well do the pavement as well while your at it,they have already dug up a large part of it outside B&M,only been down since around October,and the rest of them are already covered in stains, wrong colour shows every mark,looks worse than before, 800000 thousand for that,think I should change jobs.
Totally inept as usual, well done local council, sure you will recover the money from higher council tax and raised parking charges ,what a joke