Barclay Bank on Churchyardside in Nantwich - pic by Espresso Addict - creative commons licence

The former Barclays Bank building in Nantwich town centre looks set to re-open as a new bar and restaurant.

Loungers UK (Ltd) has applied to Cheshire East Council to convert the interior of the building on Churchyardside.

The company wants consent for a full internal refit of the building to accommodate one of its new “Lounges” bar and restaurant.

If given he go ahead, the new venue will create up to 30 new jobs.

In its application, agents state: “Works will include the installation of a bar, toilets and kitchen area.

“Minor external alterations are also required to accommodate the installation of extraction and ventilation equipment.

“The proposals are designed to be appropriate in scale and appearance for the refurbishment of this building for the use proposed.

“The overall architectural quality of the building will be maintained through the retention of the frontage as will the visual amenity of the surrounding Conservation Area.

“No loss will be caused to the historic fabric of the Grade II Listed Building as a result of the internal fit out and external alterations.”

In its full planning report, it concludes: “The application will promote the re-use of a currently unused building and will sensitively restore it to provide a high-quality restaurant and bar which will comply with relevant local and national planning policy.

“The scheme would not lead to any detrimental harm to the Grade II Listed building or the surrounding conservation area and will bring the vacant unit back into beneficial use enhancing the vitality and viability of the local area.

“The proposals are appropriate to the character of the building and the proposed plant and extract equipment will be sited to ensure no detrimental impacts on any neighbouring properties.”

Loungers UK operates more than 190 sites across the country through two brands, The Lounges and The Cosy Clubs.

The Lounges are located in suburbs or market towns and are run as café/bar/restaurants, offering food from 9am 10.30pm.

Alcohol is also available from 10.30am.

You can read the full planning documents for the former bank scheme here.

Cheshire East Council planners are set to make a decision on the plans by May 30.

(pic by Espresso Addict – creative commons licence)


  1. A Lounges restaurant will be a welcome addition to Nantwich. I’ve been to a couple in the Greater Manchester area. I’ve found the food to be delicious and good quality, and the interiors are quirky and interesting. I hope this project gets the go ahead.

  2. Oh dear Phil, another gloom merchant loose amongst us
    Nantwich needs to be more of a destination zone to come to rather than endless shops all selling the same things, or banks for that matter.
    The trend is for banks to close it seems everywhere, it is not just here
    The shops will only survive only if footfall is continuous and cafes and eateries are the way forward, given there is little real choice currently
    It would be nice if the area does attract Artisan shops and certainly more can be done about live performances to attract the crowds, more street theatre and exhibitions

  3. Phil’s been watching too much sci-fi. Our high street is evolving. The pandemic merely accelerated what was already happening at pace with t’internet. Our high street is likely set to become an artisan zone, enriched by a cafe culture, with family friendly restaurants and entertainments of all kinds.

  4. Nantwich needs another bar like a hole in the head. What Nantwich needs is for banks to tell us no one uses banks when they are queueing out of the door at say NatWest. This move to a cashless society is all about surveillance and control of population. It used to be shopping was the opium of the people now it’s just the drug alcohol a more consistent way to control people especially if you get people hooked and dependent so any government can then regulate your freedom and get laws past whilst you soak up the booze without a care in the world until reality hits but by then your trapped as a slave to government whims.

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