Plans have been submitted to extend the existing urology ward at Leighton Hospital in Crewe, writes Belinda Ryan.
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has applied to Cheshire East for permission for a two-storey modular build extension and associated relocated car park access.
Ward 8 – urology – is located in the northern part of the hospital site, near to the day surgical facilities, and surrounded by other wards and outpatient departments.
The proposed position of the modular extension is a small two-way access road into the current visitor car park for this department and area, along with a non-emergency ambulance drop off/pick up area.
A planning statement submitted with the application states: “The department has been in its current location for approximately 20 years, and is now in a position where it is not suitable for modern clinical methods, nor is it of a capacity where it can serve its necessary population, and requires additional space to allow it to continue to serve the required demographic.
“The building itself also requires time critical improvements, but the department itself cannot close, and is difficult to relocate.”
The proposal is to expand the existing department through the addition of a new two-storey modular block with a footprint of approximately 100sqm to the side of the existing building.
The planning document states: “This will allow the majority of the administrative support functions to be relocated ‘off the ward’, freeing up space within the ward to provide much-needed clinical accommodation, with an appropriate flow, suitable for modern clinical treatment methods.
“This work also allows a phased development, ensuring that the patient access to services is unaffected, allowing time critical rectification works to the building also be undertaken.
“The work would also require the blocking of an access road to site the extension, whilst creating a new access to the visitors car park and adjacent ambulance drop off bay, within the existing hospital network of roads and car parking.”
The application, number 23/1331N, can be viewed on the planning portal on the Cheshire East website.
The closing date for comments is May 17 and the application is to be determined by a planning officer under delegated authority.
(Aerial pic by Jonathan White)
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