Cheshire East Council’s chief executive is expected to quit to become the new boss of Bradford Council on a salary of £205,000, writes Belinda Ryan.
Dr Lorraine O’Donnell has been chosen as the preferred candidate to take on the role in West Yorkshire.
Her appointment is expected to be ratified at next Tuesday’s (July 11) full meeting of Bradford Council.
A report from the director of human resources at Bradford states: “Council is asked to approve the proposal to appoint Lorraine O’Donnell to the post of chief executive.”
It does not reveal when Dr O’Donnell will take up her new role if everything is rubber-stamped at next Tuesday’s meeting.
Dr O’Donnell worked in a number of authorities in the north east, including Darlington Council and Durham County Council, before joining Cheshire East as chief executive in early 2020.
She is the fifth chief executive Cheshire East Council has had in its short 14-year history.
She took over from Kath O’Dwyer in 2020, who had been acting chief exec but resigned from the post to take up a new job as chief executive at St Helens Council.
Dr O’Donnell is just the third person to hold the role of chief exec at Cheshire East on a permanent basis.
Today a Cheshire East Council spokesperson told the Local Democracy Reporting Service: “Dr Lorraine O’Donnell, chief executive, has been identified as the preferred candidate for the role of chief executive at Bradford Metropolitan District Council.
“The appointment is subject to a decision of Bradford Metropolitan District Council, on July 11.
“In the meantime, and following that decision, senior officers and members will be working to ensure appropriate management arrangements are in place.”
The three year rule.
Year 1 See which way the land lies.
Year 2 Make some changes.
Year 3 Don’t wait to see how the changes work, also look for a new job.
Well let’s hope they choose another person who will do a better job and stay longer than the last one, it looks like the job at CEC was just a stepping stone till something better came along. So no big bye bye payments, and no big party, and when she has worked her notice she will be gone, don’t worry nobody will miss her.