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Getting a restful night of sleep is pivotal for good health. Without it, you become irritable, fatigued, and may find it difficult to concentrate.

The symptoms are even worse over a long period – if you regularly don’t get enough sleep, you are at a greater risk for diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

That’s why it’s so important to address insomnia.

What is Insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall or stay asleep during the night. Some of the most common symptoms are:

• Waking up throughout the night
• Trouble falling asleep
• Tiredness during the day
• Difficulty with focus
• Never feeling well-rested enough

These symptoms are usually persistent and can wreak havoc on a person’s professional and personal life.

However, it’s good to know that there are ways to manage and treat it.

If you have insomnia, the following tips can help you beat it for good.

Avoid Caffeine
Most people won’t want to give up caffeine. The good news is that you don’t have to eliminate all caffeine from your life – just any caffeine after around midday.

That’s because caffeine can stay in your system for many hours, making it difficult to fall asleep long after you’ve enjoyed that cup of joe.

By sticking to decaf during the afternoon, you’ll find you drop off to sleep easier during the night.

Keep Your Bedroom Dark and Cool
A cool, dark room is the perfect environment for sleep.

On the other hand, too much light and a hot space will make you toss and turn throughout the night.

So, in the summertime, get some blackout curtains to block out the light.

You may also benefit from an AC unit in your bedroom to keep the temperature low enough to sleep well.

Only Use Your Bedroom for Sleep
Using your bedroom for multiple activities, such as watching TV or eating, will convince your brain that it’s not an area to sleep in.

However, if you reserve your bedroom only for the nighttime, your brain will start to associate the bed with sleep, thus making you sleepy as soon as your head hits the pillow.

See a Doctor
Sometimes, home treatments simply aren’t good enough.

If your insomnia has been plaguing you for a long time, it’s time to see a doctor. Treatments usually include prescription sleep medications.

If you’ve been to the doctor multiple times over the years and have still not found the right treatment – or you don’t want to take sleeping pills for the rest of your life – there is another option: medical cannabis.

If your sleep condition is severe, it could be a solution.

To get medical cannabis, you will need a prescription from a doctor, you could talk to a specialist medical clinic like Releaf.

If your condition makes that possible, you can get a Medical Cannabis Card to prove that you are legally allowed to purchase, hold, and take cannabis.

This might be useful if you live in a place where cannabis is not entirely legal for recreational use.

Set a Sleep Schedule
One reason so many people have insomnia is that they don’t have a set sleeping schedule.

If you go to bed at different hours every night, your body won’t know when to start unwinding.

So, create a schedule and stick to it.

It will be challenging at first – you might find you’re staring at the ceiling for a long time – but if you stick to it, hopefully, your body will become used to the new routine.

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