patient medical - health leaders - Nantwich Health Centre, based at Church View Primary Care Centre

A GP practice in Nantwich is to bring in a new phone system next month after scores of complaints from patients unable to get through.

Bosses at Kiltearn Medical Practice, at Church View Primary Care Centre in Nantwich, say the new system will be operational from October 3.

It comes after Nantwich News revealed how some patients were having to dial hundreds of times a day to try and book an appointment.

The new phone system also means a new number for patients to dial in future.

From October 3, Kiltearn patients contacting the practice should dial 01270 441672.

Kathryn Bennett, Practice Manager at Kiltearn Medical Centre, said: “We would like to apologise to our patients for the difficulties they have been experiencing trying to access the practice by telephone.

“Our new telephone system will be operational from 10am on Tuesday 3rd October, and despite a lot of effort from both the supplier and our ICB, we will need to change our telephone number.

“Our opening hours will remain the same – 8am to 6.30pm Monday to Friday.”

It’s hoped the new system, called Surgery Connect, will improve the patient experience at the busy practice.

New features will include “Patient Callback” which holds the patient’s place in the queue after they have called in and hung up.

They will receive a callback instead of waiting on the line, saving time and money.

Ms Bennett added: “Automated SMS appointment and prescription reminders will make booking and prescription ordering more convenient and reduces missed appointments.

“Integration with patient record systems means when a patient speaks to any member of the practice team their information is to hand, eliminating frustrating delays.

“The system can be configured to inform patients with high quality voice messages at every stage of their journey, minimising stress.

“The new phone service will allow patients to self-serve without waiting to speak with a receptionist.

“Examples include checking or cancelling appointments, or requesting links to more information or online services.”

She said the practice will remain contactable by email for administrative issues on [email protected] and through e-consult for medical issues, which is available from the website.

From 10am on October 3, Kiltearn patients should dial 01270 441672.


  1. Sonia Stanyer says:

    Not sure it will help the overall experience, this surgery really is a joke for a GP practice, too many patients and not enough staff to cope with them. But when you go in to get an appointment there are no people waiting, how can that be possible!

  2. About time too, that music played on hold is very triggering 5 mins of that can give you a melt down

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